About Me

Hi! My name is Lydia Jayne. Creating art for over two decades has fed my deep hunger for knowing the many “whys” in the world. Although I hear many people ask “Why is there pain?” (and despite deeply resonating with that question), I prefer to ask instead, “Why is there joy?” The pursuit of this and other questions is my reason for creating.

Like most artists, I started my art journey with graphite, but unlike many, I grew to love a plethora of mediums from watercolor and oil to graphic arts. Teaching art to public school children in high school grew my appreciation for the purpose of the arts. Studying art in Italy fueled my passion to always be learning about the world around me. Creating artwork in graduate school challenged me to create more fine-tuned art. Pushing myself to continue creating art while working as a nurse during the pandemic challenged and watered my soul.

Everyday life inspires me.

Although my studio is located in New England, I have had excellent success working closely with clients across the country.